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Down Syndrome Center Podcast

Dec 29, 2017

This podcast is a telephone interview between Dr. Vellody and Dr. David Stein.  Dr. Stein is a psychologist who published the very popular book called Supportive Positive Behaviors in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome - The Respond but Don't React Method.  In this podcast, Dr. Vellody continues the discussion of...

Dec 22, 2017

This podcast is a telephone interview between Dr. Vellody and Dr. David Stein.  Dr. Stein is a psychologist who published the very popular book called Supportive Positive Behaviors in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome - The Respond but Don't React Method.  In this podcast, Dr. Vellody presents some common behavioral...

Dec 15, 2017

Dr. Vellody was invited to be a guest on the Up at Down Country radio show (  This is Part 2 of the radio interview where Dr. Vellody finishes discussing how best to deliver the diagnosis and also discusses medical issues that masquerade as educational or...

Dec 8, 2017

Dr. Vellody was invited to be a guest on the Up at Down Country radio show (  This is Part 1 of the radio interview where Dr. Vellody discusses his family, prenatal testing, and how providers should deliver the diagnosis of Down syndrome.